Welcome to the first instalment of the weekly blog for Conico Ltd, where we will provide updates from our team in Greenland.  The intention of this blog us to keep everyone informed about our activities and describe what life is like working in Greenland.  Each week the blog will be written by a different team member, on this occasion by myself, Conico director Thomas Abraham-James.

At present, all Conico personnel are in Reykjavik, Iceland onboard the MV Argus that is scheduled to depart for the Ryberg Project on Friday the 3rd of June.  Preparations have gone smoothly, with all permitting and logistical items in place.  The weather in Iceland has been favourable, with prolonged periods of blue skies.  There has also been a lot of interest in our activities, with many a curious local introducing themselves and for the most part feeling jealous that they cannot join in on the adventure!

In charge of the geological aspects of the field programme is Conico exploration manager, Tom Sant, accompanied by Conico geologists Barbara, Ines and Rui.  With additional support from Conico geologist Alex, who is based in Portugal and will be receiving and verifying all data received from the field.

In charge of logistics is Conico operations manager, Hoskuldur Jonsson, supported on site by Julius, Justin, Gabriel, Sanja and Olafur.  They will be ensuring that the geological team has all of the support required so that they can focus on assessing the targets and return to comfortable lodgings at the end of each day.

Soon to arrive are the 9 x drill crew from Cartwright Drilling (Canada) and our helicopter pilot Patrick from BlueWest Helicopters (Greenland).  This will give us a total complement of 20 personnel on site for the duration of the field season.

 I have been in Reykjavik for the past week to meet with the team and to assist with preparatory tasks, including discussing priority drill targets with Tom Sant.  I have since returned home knowing that the field season is in good hands and look forward to visiting Greenland later in the year.  In the meantime, I will assist the team remotely and am also involved in preparation for the upcoming Mt Thirsty drill campaign.

 When on site in Greenland, the first tasks are to get the drill rigs turning and to ensure that the camp is fully operational.  Should all go according to plan, then next week’s instalment of the blog will say that drilling is underway!  Staff will remain on site until the end of July when they then mobilise northwards to our Mestersvig Project and conduct drilling there until October.

Author admin

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