About Conico Ltd
Project Summary
Ryberg – Greenland
A multi-element project spanning across a 4,500 km2 area on the east coast of Greenland, 430km NW of Iceland. The area consists of two granted mineral exploration licences and contains surface samples grading up to 2.2% Cu, 0.8% Ni, 0.1% Co, 3.3g/t Pd & 0.2g/t Au.
Mestersvig – Greenland
Located on the east coast of Greenland and only 5km from the Mestersvig military base. The licence area contains the historic Blyklippen Mine that produced 545,000 tonnes of ore @ 9.9% Zn & 9.3% Pb.
Sortekap – Greenland
A newly discovered greenstone hosted orogenic gold occurrence located within the Ryberg project licence package. Rock chip surface samples grade up to 2.7g/t gold and are associated with quartz veins in amphibolite.
Mt Thirsty – Australia
A Cobalt-Nickel resource that had a pre-feasibility study completed in 2020. The project is a 50:50 joint venture with ASX listed Greenstone Resources.